
Cognitive Maps

 Plus One: Thermal Properties of Matter Plus Two: Electromagnetic Waves


 E-Content on centripetal force is shown below

Innovative Works

 Semester 1: Showing Magnetic Field Lines Using Iron Sand Semester 2: Visualizing Natural Frequency Using phyphox

Preparation of Sample Curricular Material

The digital textbook on gravity for class IX is here .

Phase 3 Biweekly Report 3

    Introduction: Our last two weeks as student teachers in GMTHS was uneventful. We have gotten into the rhythm of teaching, and although I was tired, I was keeping up.  Day 21: 07 January 2025 I taught propagation of sound in VIII using inquiry training. And I have mastered using smart board in IX, and it is going to be better as I used simulations more. Slides for IX: 1 , 2 Day 22: 09 January 2025 I used simulation to teach circuit diagrams in IX.  Slides Day 23: 10 January 2025 This class for VIII was unique, teaching about hearing ang hearing impaired. Slides  Day 24: 13 January 2025  VIII was introduced to the concepts of ultrasonic and infrasonic and limits of human audibility in this day's class. Slides: 1 , 2 , 3 Day 25: 15 January 2025 I taught IX about building a small torch and uses of voltmeter and ammeter. And explained noise pollution to VIII Slides for IX Slides for VIII Day 26: 16 January 2025 Ohm's law was introduced to IX using simulation...

Phase 2 Biweekly Report 2

   Introduction: First half of these two weeks was Christmas exams and then the Christmas celebration. Coming back from vacation, we resumed our teaching. Day 11-14: 16-19 December 2024 The second terminal examinations continued and there was no serious incident to speak of.  Day 15: 20 December 2024 Today was Christmas celebrations. We were in charge of games and we managed to design a good bomb the city type game. We also helped with decorations. Christmas Games Day 16: 30 December 2024 In VIII, I conducted the diagnostic test. I also managed to start my portion in IX and VIII in later periods. Slides for IX Slides for VIII: 1 , 2 Day 17: 31 December 2024 By some coincidence, I had two experimental demonstration lessons in VIII and IX. Vibrations in VIII and power in IX. It is interesting how much students want to participate in experiment even though they have no idea what they are doing.  Day 18: 01 January 2025 For the lesson in VIII, I had to make a simple pend...

Phase 2 Biweekly Report 1

  Introduction: We (Amalu, Arshad, and I) were once again interning at G.M.T.HS., Ooruttukala. Our second phase had began at the eve of the second terminal examinations so we had one week to finish our initial portions this time. But because of more staff this time, our extra work load was minimal to nill. Day 1: 02 December 2024 I was finishing the portions in VIII and IX for Christmas exams. Spherical Mirrors for VIII and Work and Energy for IX.  Slide used in IX: 1 , 2 Day 2: 03 December 2024 I had classes in IX and VII. I was continuing the portion for the exams. Slides used in IX Day 3: 04 December 2024 I wanted use more of the smart board that was now in IX, but the lessons still don't allow for it. The topic today was taught in a concept attainment model. I had classes in VIII and IX. VII was taught using an advance organiser.  Advance organiser used in VIII Day 4: 05 December 2024 Magnification was discussed in VIII and equation for potential energy due to positio...

Citizenship Training Camp - Tihar 2k24

Martial arts class Motivation Class First Day Assembly Fire Safety Demonstration Campers after inauguration Me, getting certificate Yoga class Campers in the compound Campers at Vivekanda Rock Temple House wise competition From November 26 to November 30 2024, our citizenship training camp was conducted in Kanyakumari Bishop Selvamony Retreat Centre. For each of the 5 days, each department from our college was the organiser. My department had the first day duty. The programme included various facets of living amongst each other and basic skills of survival to teaching skills and medical information. It was a transformative experience letting us see each other in the light of cooperation and tolerance.

Arts Day 2024: Dhwani

  The whole arts day team Arts day Inauguration Me participating in Light Music The arts day of the college was conducted under the name Dhawni. I was extremely tired due to the hectic schedule but I participated in the Light Music competition. 

Week 7, Week 8 and Week 9: Biweekly Journal of School Internship

    Introduction: This was the final three weeks of our internship and it was a different experience because I started teaching in VII so that I could finish my requisite lesson plans. Dealing with them as a teacher was an interesting experience. Day 26: 30 September 2024 I was sick, but I still went to school. I was lucky that I only had VII to teach today, which was teaching them about transparency. I helped Sarath sir today as well.  Day 27: 01 October 2024 I got to be invigilator for the re-test of Onam exam for some students from X. Second period was VII. Taught 5th period in VIII, and 6th period in IX. I was stung by a wasp on this day and my hand was swollen for almost a week.  Slides used Day 28:  03 October 2024 I was still managing the pain from the wasp sting. I had the whole day busy as well taught classes in VIII and VII. Slides used Day 29: 04 October 2024 I had a light workload and only had to manage V in some free periods. Day 30: ...