Field Trip


Our classmates, teachers helping with attempt to change the tires

The Kollam Beach in landscape

Our classmates Boating in Munroe Island

Me on the edge of a small pathway to the lake

Our lunch being served by classmates

Physical Science Optional students and teachers at Milma Diary Plant

A Milma Diary Plant worker explaining water purification

The heating element of Milma Diary Plant

Our classmates having tea at Manorama canteen

The whole class in front of Manorama office

Manorama office

Kollam Beach at twilight

Our class conducted the field visit on 20 November 2023. We visited the Manorama printing press, Milma Diary Plant, S valavu in Munroe Island, and Kollam beach. It was an educational experience, and our physical science optional had a very productive learning experience in the Milma Diary Plant.

And our bus' tires exploded bringing us down to the roadside just before the whole program concluded. Giving us a slightly traumatic experience.