
Showing posts from February, 2024

Exhibition at PTM College

Physical Science Exhibit Inside the Science and Technology Museum Exhibit Bus Ornamental and Medicinal Plants Exhibit Me observing the Commerce Department Exhibits Smitha Teacher counting seats in the Lok Sabha Still Model Recirculation Aquafiltration System Our classmates went to an exhibition of various products made by B.Ed. and D.El.Ed students at PTM college Maruthoorkonam. It was an interesting experience seeing the science and mathematics fair items and work experience items presented by our peers. There was also exhibitions by Psycho Patk, Ayush, Motor Vehicle Department, and so much more. 

Valentine's Day Celebrations

Love Letter Writing Competition Remembrance of Pulwama Terror Attack Duet from Ananya and Sanoj Whole team behind the fancy dress dance number February 14 is Valentine's Day, and our college had some interesting programs associated with the theme. There were secret confession letters from a letter box, messages from the partners of the people in the audience, a bunch of romance themed songs, dance and other programs. The day however, began with the remembrance of the Pulwama terror attack. The function was somber. The whole day was interesting and was extremely put together with the underlying effort clearly paying dividends.

Two Day Workshop: "Research Methodology - Sharpening Your Skills"

DAY 1 Our classmates and I at the program table Inauguration of the program Lecture on Selecting Research Topic by Dr. Issac Paul Me Presenting the Action Plan proposal of our group during the workshop by Dr. Sangeetha N. R. DAY 2 Day-Long Workshop on Tool Development by Dr. Sameer My Notebook of the event Me and four of my classmates from all optional subjects from the college visited and participated in a Two Day National Workshop on Research Methodology at Pattom Thanupillai Memorial College of Education, Maruthoorkonam. The classes were interesting, and some were slightly boring. But nevertheless we learned a lot; from how to select a research topic, to what research tools are and which ones are appropriate, and what statistical methods are to be used for our research.  During workshops, our group made of my classmates and first year B.Ed students from PTM college itself manage to create a draft proposal for an Action Research project on day one, and a rough draft of item tool deve